"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just like people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."

~ Gordon B. Hinckley

August 10, 2011

10 Months!

We're Talkin' "Double Digits", now- Baby! 

Hey Camille!
Ten Months Old, I can't believe it!!! Here's a recap of your 9th month:

In your 9th Months you:
  • Took your first steps! Its so true!!! Now, let me clarify... you took your first initial steps this month and I am defining steps as: Standing completely unassisted with one foot at a time coming off of the ground and going back on the ground further than your other foot (then, repeat). Let me clarify: you took your FIRST STEPS, not walking. There is a difference. This amazing accomplishment, to my knowledge, happened a total of 4 times in your ninth month. First time, was a SINGLE one step: right foot off the floor, plopped down back on the floor and then you collapsed. Your Aunt Allison was there to witness it along with me in our living room while your Daddy was in another room on the computer... needless to say, he was bummed.  The second time, it happened a couple of weeks later on my lunch break... this time you took TWO steps and "GiGi" was there to witness with me. I grabbed the video camera and we tried and tried to get you to do it again, but of course- you wouldn't. The third time happened last weekend; we were visiting family in Mobile and your cousin Adeline and Aunt Tracy witnessed you take THREE steps, while I was in the shower. Needless to say, I was bummed for realz. Right now, these steps are few and far between... but, it won't be long before your running all over our house and yard! Then, the other night (Which happened, technically, in your tenth month... you took SIX steps, while I was plomped on the couch eating a bowl of cereal with a spoon in my hand instead of a video camera- RATS!)
  • Visited the OCEAN for the first time and did wonderful! You were so very chill and easy-going... liked the sand, not even once- did you try to eat it and everyone said you would!
  • You have a friend that you drag everywhere and can't sleep with out it:
The Pink Dog... who was given to you by Kay Scruggs as a Baby Shower gift... we call him, "Scruggie" and I'm about to purchase two more "Scruggies" for back-up. 
  • We took you for you nine month check-up.  Dr. "T" says you're the average weight of a 12 month old and the average height of a 13 month old. When I asked if that was okay, he turned to me and looked me up from my feet to my head and replied, "Its to be expected". Ha! (For those of you who don't know, I'm Tall... 5' 11", to be exact). Your legs are long and strong, of course, I knew they would be--- with all the extreme kickin' that occurred while you occupied my uterus!
  • You mimic Saying... "Bye Bye"and "Woof Woof" you crinkle your nose and sniff like crazy after someone else does it and you also do a sweet little wave, when saying "Bye Bye"
  • When you are told, "NO!" you turn and put your hand out.  "Gi Gi" calls it your, "Talk to the Hand" gesture... and it totally looks like you would say those exact words, if you could. 
  • Green vegetables, now, have to QUICKLY be followed by a spoonful of something sweet... otherwise, you spit them out- and I MEAN, Spit... as in, lands on my face. 
  • You act as though a shark is living in your crib, and when we go to put you in it.... your toes dangle about and kick as if the sheets are ocean water and you scream as they begin to touch them. Seriously- what a waste it has been to purchase that beautiful crib and the PackandPlay. Thankfully, your crib converts into a full size bed to use later on... that is, if sharks aren't still swimming in it! 
I have to say, your ninth month has been the hardest  most challenging month (for me) because this was the month you began crying every time you are put down or left in the room alone. Up until now, you've been pretty self-sufficient enough to at least allow me walk to the kitchen and leave you in the living room (Which, by the way, is adjacent to the living room and I can see you at all times). NOW- you've become a complete SpazBaby. I find myself constantly reasoning with you, "Really, Camille- I'm just walking 10 feet away from you---- I'm not leaving forever, just wanna pour a glass of tea---- I'll be right back--- I love you."  

I don't know if reasoning with you is doing any good... I like to THINK, it is. I hope this is just a phase... I HOPE!

I love you, SpazzyMil!

Here's some Pictures of your NINTH month! :)

Sometimes, this is the position you fall asleep in...

You love your tunnel!

Beach Trip!

Look... all by myself, Mom!

Mom and Daughter

A picture with your tree mural, that will soon be covered with a book shelf...

Summer FUN!

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